Sophie's Blog

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Well hello everyone,
Today has not been the best of days. It started to go wrong sometime yesterday (friday) I think, well certainly very early this morning. Not sure whether that counts or not but never mind. Jenny, Emma, Chris, Jack, Andy, Dan and myself went to the Parade bar, where we spent the evening. The premium doubles being an affordable £1.50, a fair amount of these were consumed by all the afore mentioned parties. Slightly too many by the guys though, so the three of us reasonable girls ended up herding them back to their respective houses. One of the guys was in a particularly bad way and so we ended up playing at being first aiders too. After he was sick, the recovery position was called for, it took the 3 of us to lift him up and lie him down on the floor of the kitchen! But anyway, he was fine in the end.
Then this morning, well afternoon I woke up at 2.00 to find that I had missed most of the gymnastics coverage on BBC Grandstand. I missed Beth Tweddle's new routine! Ohh well, I will see the floor routines tomorrow hopefully.
I attempted to do some economics coursework as well which was a complete failure, and then realised that I have a presentation to give next week as well which I haven't even started to look at. I don't know what I am going to do about that!
But anyway, good night to you all.



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