Sophie's Blog

Friday, November 10, 2006


Please don't all faint from shock at the idea of me posting twice in a week, when i have hardly been posting at all! But I am excited at the prospect of perhaps getting a job! I have an interview with the executive director of the British Argentina chamber of commerce!!! Isn't that exciting! The most incredible bit is that it all came about when the university iof bath's deputy vice chancellor (thats the number 2 of the university, don't know why they are all vice chancellors, and not chancellors...) came to visit us here in argentina the day before eysterday as he was around doing something else. Anyway he had a meeting with this lady today and she actually rang me! Wow! So now I must do such things as send her my cv, and read up on the chambers online!

Thats all for now, tata

Sophie xxx


  • You go, girl! I wish you all the best. Give it all you've got!

    Hane xx

    By Blogger HHM, at 11/11/2006 7:27 pm  

  • Marvellous...How exciting...well done!

    By the way...there will be a chancellor somewhere...mine is the Prince of Wales I is just someone important who doesn't do anything!

    jess x

    By Blogger JAJ, at 11/15/2006 11:54 am  

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