Sophie's Blog

Sunday, May 14, 2006

13th May

Good evening/morning all! I have just come back from what has been a great day full of fun. It started this morning/afternoon, whatever time you will call it, at 12.30, a picnic in the park was organised for jenny's birthday. Say woooo everyone! Everyone brought food with them and we sat on blankets and ate it all. It was very nice, there were flapjacks and cakes and scotch eggs and pies and pizza and sandwiches... The highlight of the picnic was the performance by the Great Nodgo, a magician! (also known as jenny's dad) he was great, well apart from the french jokes, they were rubbish but I wil forgive him for those, for he performed some almighty tricks. He read peoples minds and changed red handkercheifs into yellow ones and vice versa. Most of it was obvious, but it was made hilarious by the fact that there were a couple of young children who were totally taken in by it all, and who couldn't understand how it all worked! A big awwww for them! A bit of salsa was then danced in the park, and the i headed back home to get changed for my next social event of the day: Trampolining handover dinner/ night out! I got home, to find the housemates watching the penalties of the FA football thing. I was made to watch them too, and the highlights of the match afterwards. Ummm... Can't say it was that hrilling but the own goal was funny!
Anyway, I got to the social a little late because of all of this, never mind and we all sat down and ordered food. I had a cobb salad, and lovely it was too, once I had passd the bacon onto someone else (thanks Naomi!) Horrible stuff bacon! Prize giving was then carried out, and i won... *drum roll*... Tramp of the year award! How pleased was I! The bst part of it all was not the certificate but the prize that came with the award: a baton! with swirly ends and stuff. It was great and kept us all amused all evening! As we left the restaurant, we ended up on a grassy roundabout in front of the Abbey and decided to have a nice group photo. This soon ended up as sports acro photos, with people standing on shoulders, and giant pyramids being constructed. it was soooo fun! When the photos get emailed round, I'll put some up!
O'Neills was our next destination, where we partied and swirled (the baton) the night away! As you can probably tell I have had a few too many, and so will leave you all now to get some sleep, as I need to write an essay tomorrow. If this post makes no sense, then i am sorry, I will deal with it at some other time!
Good night everyone!!!


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