Sophie's Blog

Friday, January 13, 2006

I keep trying to write a 99 word story, but have failed miserably. I got to 76 words earlier this morning, but couldn't think of anything to say to fill the word count. Ummm. And I went back to read it this evening and it sounds really quite bad and sad! So that one is being thrown away! Maybe inspiration will strike at some point.

I had a nice day today, I didn't have to get up for anything so I was able to lie in till 10 which was nice :-) . I did far too much revision, well I didn't really as I have hardly done any yet and I have an exam on Monday. Argh!
I went trampolining this evening which was fun. I didn't do anything very complex, just some tucked front and back somersaults and a barani or two. It was tiring but fun, and very lovely to see my friends there after a long break.

Tomorrow its the weekend which means I don't need to go up to university. That should save me some time and allow me to do some more revision! That is if I don't spend too much time on msn. Ummmm. Ohh and I have a friend coming over for a roast chicken thing, so revision is going down the drain really isn't it, although we did say we would do some revision. Anyway, I shall see tomorrow!


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