Sophie's Blog

Monday, December 12, 2005

Jenny's thoughts (I'm a housemate by the way)

Hello this isn't sophie, but hey I can still tell you what she's been up to.

She is right about the coursework thing, she is always up till very very late the night before, usually after spending the evening singing french nursery rhymes, so its her own fault!

She is now very bored, the poor girl has nothing to do for the next 2 hours - how sorry do you all feel for her.

Last night she had a very nice time, after Emma (house mate) cooked a lovely christmas meal, and she also won a bracelet and magic cards in the crackers. She also managed to still have some money (chips) at the end of poker, and that was with only going cap in hand to the bank once.

Tonight we are giving out christmas presents - she has just made a really poor attempt at getting me to tell her what she is getting. But it is ok i'm on the ball and haven't given anything away.

On Saturday she went to a first aid course, how glad am I she is my house mate. On Sunday she went to a trampolining competition and came 16 out of 32 - VERY WELL DONE!!!!!!!! And the team came 4th out of all the teams!

Apparently this is a very short post - all I can say is at least I've made the effort.

She must have done more than this - she is never in the house


Thursday, December 08, 2005

To tell you the truth, I haven't done anything all that interesting since my last post. I am in work avoidance mode and so I am blogging!!

The weekend before last I had the lovely task of helping my mum clear out the garage. We found some weird and wonderful things in there including some potential Christmas presents! We found loads of old videos that we haven't watched in ages seeing as we don't have a video player any more, so I returned to bath laden with such classics as Aladdin, black beauty, the worst witch, Mary Poppins, well you get the drift! My house mates were thrilled to bits! Hehe.
What was quite odd was finding pictures of my mum with boyfriends from when she was my age, she didn't dwell too much on them though and moved on pretty quickly! I'm sure that here are some possible stories that can be wheedled out of her on this topic!
Since the weekend clearing out, I have been doing rather a lot, far to much for my liking in fact, university work. Why do lecturers always set coursework deadlines for the same days? I am rubbish at forward planning, so I always end up the night before writing the essay for the next morning, which isn't always the most constructive thing to do. In fact that is what I am avoiding now. I have a lovely essay to write from my Comparative employee relations module on Industrial Relations in Spain (in Spanish of course).
I went to a lovely carol service on Tuesday evening, which ended in the eating of many mince pies and the drinking of wine. Yummmmmm! I then went to a salsa night which was fun. Its been ages since I have danced and its amazing how quickly you forget to follow a lead! (and how quickly you forget how to walk in heels, let alone dance in them!)

But I really should go do my essay now, so I shall love you and leave you. Bye bye!