Sophie's Blog

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Finger food

Well as the nursery rhyme goes:
1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive,
6,7,8,9,10 then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right.

Replace fish with trampoline and little finger with middle finger, and you have pretty much grasped my situation. On Wednesday evening I was at Baskerville's and I was mucking around on the trampoline there (its lovely and sunk into the floor), I did some back flips, and then I did one badly and my finger went into the trampoline web whilst the rest of me continued the move. Clever me! Well I strapped it up, and thought nothing more of it, but it turns out that I have broken it! How do I know this? Well 4 hours in St Georges last night told me. Mum was kind enough to drag me there when I got home. Nice of her isn't it! hehe.

So as some of you have possibly guessed by the fact that I was in St Georges last night, I am currently in London for the long bank holiday weekend, which is made longer by the fact that I have no lectures on Tuesday and now have a hospital appointment at the fractures clinic on Wednesday. Pathetic really, going to a fractures clinic for a finger!

That's all I have to say for the moment, I will try and write another post this weekend, because I never seem to have time whilst at university. There is always something else to do!

Friday, April 29, 2005


This is a test post from

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Happy Birthday to meeeee

As you can probably guess from the title it was my birthday yesterday. 19 I now am. How old does that sound?! I don't feel much over 12 most of the time and I'm sure many people would ell you that I don't act older than that either!
My birthday was quite a quiet affair, with friends from university who came down to stay a couple of days. On Monday we went bowling and played 3 games. Loads that is! Unfortunately bowling is not my forte and I lost miserably which means that I received a lovely certificate declaring me to be a Mega flop. Claire was the Mega star of the group, and as such received a bottle of bubbly which was in fact poire. (Its like cider but made with pear instead of apples. They called it perry on the bottle but haven't ever heard of perry. Never mind!) So we returned to my house where we drank the bubbly and read my sisters bliss magazines. It really is shocking the things they talk about in those magazines though! There were questionnaires about whether or not you were ready for sex and equally inappropriate things for 14 year old girls. Ohh well, maybe I am 19, I am starting to sound like an old woman, tis very worrying! But the stories in the mags were good! Just like sarah's old chat magazines and Take a break! Brilliant!
But anyway I think that it is time we moved on to Tuesday, although by this point it was past midnight so could be classed as being Tuesday. My brother was kind enough to ring me up at 8.45 to wish me a happy birthday, which of course woke everyone in the room up, except for Tom who seems able to sleep through anything! But anyway, one everyone was up we all played badmington in the garden until the wind picked up and we couldn't play anymore at which point it was decided that we should head to Pizza Hut in Covent garden for lunch. Lunch was eaten and we proceeded to walk around the market for a bit. I think that Tom got a little bored at this point being the only guy there and all. Bless! There was a very good band playing down by the pub so we listened to them for a while. At one point an opera singer joined them and sang 'Ohh Sole Mio'. He was really good, I think that he must have wandered down from the Royal Opera House which is in Covent garden. But we will never know! From Covent garden we walked to Leicester square to collect Jack. We then walked to Trafalgar square and sat on the lions for a while. This post is getting too long so I will try to speed up the narrative now! We walked to Victoria past buckingham palace, where we waved to the guards and they did their funny marching thingy where they stamp lots. Ohh dear this isn't really getting any quicker is it! Ohhh and we saw a celebrity person that we all recognized, she was being filmed, but none of us could remember what her name was! How annoying is that! Anyway we went to clapham to collect Jack's stuff from his sisters house, (she moved in that day and this is why he was soo late, cos he was helping her move in) and then finally got back to my house at around 6.00pm. We played a bit more badmington, followed by some pool which I am pleased to say the girls won! (girls v boys) This was followed by a game of whatever next which is aimed at 6 year olds but is fun for all ages! We then watched Wimbledon (the dvd) and then had a pillow fight! You see we are all very mature and grown up!
Wednesday everyone rolled out of bed at different times, Claire and I being the early birds. We had time for a couple of games of Jenga and showers before the others showed their faces! After some yummy toasted sandwiches for brunch we watched The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, a very confusing film that no one really understood. People then started to drift off to their respective trains which took them back to their parts of the country.