Sophie's Blog

Thursday, July 20, 2006


¡Hola! ¿Como estás? Hehe I will change back to english now. As many of you know, I am presently in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Which has been referred toby some as the 'other side of the pond'. It is a very large pond, as it took me 14 hours to fly accross it! And it took my luggage longer, my bag had a loely time taking in the sights of Madrid airport. But I will forgive my bag this once as it decided to take the next plane out and join me here! (The last couple of sentences translated mean that I had to wait 24 hours for my bags to arrive as they didnt get put on the madrid to BA flight due to delays from london)
And then I arrived and was driven to my new abode, a very nice one it is at that. It is an area called Las Cañitas. (Ooooh this keyboard has fancy keys on it, it has a key that does this: ñ and this: ç isn't that cool! Except I keep pressing them by mistake cos they are in places where other things should be normally. I will have to learn to use argentinian keyboards!) Anyway, i have a very nice flatmate, she bought me a mug for my arrival isn't that sweet. I think it is!
Today its the day of friends here, and I was looking for things to buy her, but I couldn't find anything, I just ended up buying myself lots of stuff, which really wasn't the plan! It isn't even stuff that I can give to her! Silly Sophie! Ohh well!
Today I went into the centre of BA, to see the main sites. The pink house in the Plaza de mayo is cool. Its where all the presidents waved to enthusastic argentinians, and where Madonna pretended to be Evita!

Thats all for now, speak to you all soon!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Well I said that I would put some photos of the Cambridge ball up so here they are! See below! Italy next... Maybe tomorrow!

And its me!

Izzie in front of the Bridge of Sighs, which incidentally looks nothing like the original in Venice!

Food time!

A cool ice sculpture! Its an elephant!

In front of St John's

Izzie and I

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cambridge Ball

Well as usual I haven't posted anything in a while, though this time its mainly because I have been stupidly busy! But anyway, what have I been up to, well many things, a ball in Cambridge with my friend Izzie, a trip to Italy with Sarah and a blog-b-q!

So anyway, the Mayball with Izzie was great fun! I arrived in the early afternoon so that we could have a good chat and catch up. For those of you who don't know Izzie, we have been friends for years and have always done multiple extra curricular activities together! These have included ballet, tap, gymnastics, gymnastics coaching and swimming over the years, in fact all of them in the same year for years! In fact although we never went to school together we still spent over 1o hours a week together doing these activities. Gosh I was busy during my school years! We used to joke that we needn't go home on a Friday evening and that we should just stay at the leisure centre because we were there again on a Saturday morning! (6 till 7.15 coaching gym, 7.15 till 8.15 participating in gym, 9 till 10 swimming on a Friday and then 9 till 10 coaching on a sat morning followed by 2 hours of gymnastics!) So yeah, that's quite a lot when I think back on it, I remember being rather tired on Saturday afternoons! But anyway, we caught up on all the gymnastics gossip, there was quite a lot of it too!, and then got ready for the ball.

Photos of us a couple of years ago! It seems like yesterday, doesn't time fly!

But anyway, back to the ball. It was a lovely and amazing ball with entertainment everywhere I looked, and food and alcohol being offered to us incessantly. We danced, listened to music, watched the fireworks, played at the fairground stall (where I won a teddy bear!), and had a massage! It was all great fun! We were still up for the survivors photo which was taken at 6.30am the following morning. At which point we both decided it would be best to go to bed!

(I am trying to upload some pictures of the actual ball, but blogger is being increasingly silly and won't let me! Grrr! You will have to wait, or look on facebook, if you have it)

So this brings us to the Wednesday, the day I am leaving for Italy, so I woke up after 5 hours or so, and said good bye to Izzie. I jumped on a train to Standsted airport where I awaited the arrival of Sarah B. The journey had gone very well for me, but not so for Sarah, she was stuck in a coach on the motorway somewhere, with an hour to spare before check-in closed! Arghhh! I decided to check-in so that when Sarah arrived, well it was increasingly looking like if Sarah arrived, she could check-in quickly and then we could rush through security. I was starting to panic a little, and was not relishing the thought of flying to Italy on my own! But thankfully, Sarah arrived! Wooooo! Thank goodness for that! Anyway, we made it to Italy! I am starting to think however that Italy is going to require a separate post, as we were there for a week!

So It is probably best if I go to bed now, and write about Italy tomorrow, when hopefully Blogger will allow me to upload photos of the Cambridge ball and of mine and Sarah's adventures in Italy!

Good night xxx

Sunday, July 02, 2006

To hell and back

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Well thats not too bad I suppose! It could be worse!