Hello everyone!
It's meeeeee again. :-) Well it is 12.20 and am sitting at my computer writing this blog. I don't even know what it will be about yet, I am thinking on my feet! (well technically am sitting down)
Ooooo I know what I can tell you I had my hair cut yesterday. It is now shoulder length. Yesterday on impulse, I walked into the hairdressers;
Hairdresser lady: Hello
Sophie: Hello, could I make an appointment please?
Hairdresser lady: Yes, when would you like to have your hair cut?
Sophie: Whenever
Hairdresser lady: Do you want to have it done now then?
Sophie: Ok then.
Thrilling, no?!!!!! So anyway, my hair is now shoulder length. She started cutting by taking all my hair and chopping about 10 cm (4 inches) off, showed it to me and chucked it in the bin!!!
I got asked later in the day why I had had so much cut off, and I don't know. It doesn't feel like that much. My head feels a lot lighter, and just think of all the shampoo I will save!!!!! Also I was really fed up of long hair it was just a pain!!!
This blog has turned into a blog about my haircut, so I think will stop there and come back another time once I have worked out what else I can tell you all.