Sophie's Blog

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Ghostly happenings

Look what I found!
Its a survey seeing if you can sense any ghostly activity in the picture. Unfortunatly, they don't tell you whether any ghosts have been spotted in the area that you choose :-( ,but its still fun and part of a survey for channel 4!
Have fun!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Well I have been and competed in the trampolining competition. I came 4th which is a respectable place, unfortunately just out of sight of a medal but never mind.
Now I have to write a 1200 word essay in Spanish on the 1978 Spanish constitution. Who said university wasn't fun?! It is due in tomorrow by the way. Yeah I know I leave things till the last minute, it isn't my fault I reckon that it is in my genes or something. I just can't help it!
Wish me luck :-)


Well I have just come back from this year's eurovision party, which might I add was very different to last years. There was no Jess, or Sarah, or Richard, or any other JAGS or Jess related person for that matter. They were all uni people, and rather than eating ice cream on the floor of Jess's living room, we were playing drinking games on Greg's bedroom floor, which is decidedly smaller than the living room.
So anyway, the rules of the game went along the lines of if something typically eurovision happened, you had to drink 2 fingers of your drink. So things like the presenters changing their attire, fake blondes, the sound of bagpipes, emotional looks towards the audience/camera, and many others.
I was assigned a country upon arrival, Ukraine. Unfortunately they didn't do very well, never mind. I think it is because they didn't want to host the show for a second year running, so they entered a rubbish act!
But anyway, I really should go to bed now because I have a trampolining competition tomorrow. So I had better drink some water, hope I don't have a hangover tomorrow because hangovers and trampolining don't go together and go to sleep.
Good Night everyone xxx

Saturday, May 14, 2005

A post on anything and everything

I'm sorry that I didn't post before, but I just haven't gotten round to it. I can't use the excuse of having had too much work because that would be a blatant lie, although I probably should start revising for exams and writing my Spanish coursework essays. I can't say that I have been incredibly busy because yet again that would be untrue. In fact I think that I have spent most of my time on msn chatting to people, half of whom I have never met. Ummmm.
Well what is there to say? Last weekend was the much talked about trip into London. I came home from Bath especially to see everyone and am very pleased I did too. It was great fun. Swing lessons, brass rubbing and science museum, along with sandwiches in railway stations and ice creams. That is a very brief summary of course. Sarah and Jess have told you all about it already.
A complete change of topic now, next year I am going t be chair of the gymnastics club and treasurer of the trampolining club here at university! Isn't it exciting! I don't actually have a clue what either of the roles involve. Oh well, I will work it out as I go along I suppose. I've had a budget meeting for trampolining already, We had to request the budget for next year. It's all very confusing :-)
There are only 2 weeks of lectures left now, and then I have exams. I'm really not looking forward to them! And then of course there are the spanish essays that I am supposed to write for my coursework. I had better find the sheet of paper that gives me the essay titles! I think that I have lost one of them, ooops.
What next? Ohh my summer holiday. I am going to Vietnam for a month, and then stopping in Bangkok for 5 days on the way home. But Vietnam is the exciting bit! We (my mum and I) are going on a tour which will take us from Hanoi to Ho chi min (Saigon). I will blog about it further another time.