Sophie's Blog

Monday, November 27, 2006

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Somehow the why doesn't seem to fit on the end of the who what when where. It doesn't flow. Strange. Whenever I click on the just updated blogs, they always seem to have a point to them, or maybe thats because I click the blogs with the interesting looking titles, who knows? So I was wondering what is the point of my blog? Why do I keep up the pretence of writing it? It isn't in the least bit informative, its rather dull actually. I read back through it and realise how bad my essay writing skills must be! I am not really telling anyone about my life because this is such a superficial part of it. It is a basic list of things that I have done over the past year or so, but nothing more. How does one put ones life on paper? Or on the internet in this case? I do not think it is possible, so much is lost of the pure essence of things. I don't write about most of my day to day happenings anyhow, who would be interested? And by the time I remember to update this journal, I have forgotten the small things that made life interesting and enjoyable at that time. I must admit that I have never put in a great deal of effort into the writing of a post, but I am also lacking most of the eloquence and style that some of you possess. I suppose that i have never been a natural at recording the happenings of my life, ie. I have never been organised or motivated enough to write in a journal, other than a couple of times when I was very upset, or someone told me something that shocked me deeply. I think that that amounts to a total of aprox 3 times! I tried to start a diary once when I was 12 or 13 I think, it lasted a grand total of 2 days! Commitment obviously isn't one of my stengths!!

Well done if you made it this far, I didn't! I'm off to bed! Good night, I love you all! :-)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Hello lovely people,

I wrote a short post yesterday but then lost by internet connection, well the person from whom i steal te internet at home's connection , and so was unable to post it. I will attempt it again tonight, or maybe I won't, who knows! It wasn't very interesting anyway!
Yesterday I bought a 70 litre rucksack for my big trip through patagonia, wooo! I also bought a mini christmas tree to bring with me. Its sooo cute, and little, i don't know how well it will travel but never mind it was only a couple of pesos. I bought a mini angel to put on top of it and everything! I still have to find a present for Anna and her parents for christmas day since i will be with them. Arghhh, what can I get them?! I don't know her parents!Also we will be in the middle of a national park so it needs to be small... and if edible not meltable, and it can't be heavy, and well you see my dilema!
Today is my last day at university, and the last time I will see lots of the people that i have gotten to know here over the past 4 months. Strange! Well I will prob see some of the argentinians again soonish as I WILL STILL BE IN BUENOS AIRES, BUT LOTS OF THE FOREIGN STUDENTS ARE GOING HOME. tHEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED, THEY SHOULD STAY TO KEEP ME COMPANY! HEHE! Ohhh bother, its gone to caps and I can't be bothered to change it to normal. Ohh well it will just look funny.
I went to a polo match on sunday, I felt very aristocratic, ok well maybe not as it isn't as exclusive as in england but it was nice to see a different sport, and the horsies were pretty! It was a little boring at times, and the crowd was rather silent but I will forgive polo for that! After all they gave me some free yerba mate, what more could i want?, even though I don't drink it very often.
I went trampolining for the second time in Buenos Aires on wednesday, at a different place and it was just as dangerous as the first place, but the people were nicer! The bed was soooo old that the elastic was frayed everywhere and the stitching had come apart around the cross so the elastic moved, allowing feet to periodically slip through, argh scary! Given the high rate of injuries in trampolining, I may wait till i am back in england to try again!!!!

Off to my last lecture of the term now, so bye bye my lovelies

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sophie's guide to...

wasting a day!

1)Right were to start, well getting up late at 12ish usually helps the day move along well

2)Eat breakfast followed almost immeadiatly by lunch, ok so breakfast usually consists of a glass of fruit juice on a wasted day so its ok to follow it with lunch, really!

3)I forgot the shower bit, that takes a little time. Ok it doesn't really, but then you have to choose what to wear, which granted doesn't take very long either, you can just pick clothes off of the floor.

4)Watch tv for a while, some friends never goes amiss

5)Surf the internet, this includes reading emails and replying to them, reading blogs- noone ever writes anything anymore other than helen! Ok I am no the best at keeping this thing upto date either, but hipocritical I know... umm lets move on from that one. What else, look at buses to get to salta, obviously this doesn't apply to everyone as not everyone is about to travel to salta, but I am sure you can work that out yourself. And look at other interesting/ vaguely usefull sites.

6)Back to tv for gilmore girls! Best tv show ever, am totally hooked. Watch a bit of home and health, or people and arts which shows changing rooms! When you have had your fill of Lawrence lleweln Bowen and Handy Andy move to home and health and watch a couple of women giving birth or getting married or something.

You have probably worked it out already but the above has been my day so far... this is what happens when I have no univesity to go to for a whole day! Sad I know! To redeem myself, I had a really busy day yesterday, I didn't stop for a second! I will tell you about it later. But for now, i must continue with my day of nothingness, though I may do a little academic reading stuff later. urghh! The thought! And I need to go buy food too!

Friday, November 10, 2006


Please don't all faint from shock at the idea of me posting twice in a week, when i have hardly been posting at all! But I am excited at the prospect of perhaps getting a job! I have an interview with the executive director of the British Argentina chamber of commerce!!! Isn't that exciting! The most incredible bit is that it all came about when the university iof bath's deputy vice chancellor (thats the number 2 of the university, don't know why they are all vice chancellors, and not chancellors...) came to visit us here in argentina the day before eysterday as he was around doing something else. Anyway he had a meeting with this lady today and she actually rang me! Wow! So now I must do such things as send her my cv, and read up on the chambers online!

Thats all for now, tata

Sophie xxx

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Hello everyone! Its 1.15am here, and I just got back from a pool party! How cool is that! So I thought I should write on blogger whilst eating boiled eggs, yummmm! But anyway, the pool party was to celebrate the fact that our partialito (little test) was over in financial maths. I had it this morning, and it went ok, finals here I come! (Just going to get another egg, one sec! Right I am back) So anyway, it was a good party, a small exclusive crowd at an argentinians friends house, we drank wine and then moved onto the vodka and coke. I know drinking and swimming not such a good idea, but most of the drinking was after the swimming. So yes fun fun fun!

What else? Well my mum came and visited me (she left a week ago now)}. She was here for 2 weeks, and it was the perfect excuse to do lots of fun stuff and go travelling. The first week we stayed around B'sA's. We went to an estancia (ranch place) to do some horse riding, we went to colonia (in Uruguay) which was very pretty, she visited the city a bit, we went to a tango show, and did other things too! Can't remember exactly! Then we went to Iguazu (Yes I went again!) to see the waterfalls there, and then flew to El CaƱafate to see the glacier. The glacier was really cool (haha brilliant pun, only kidding) bits break off of the front of it all the time and it makes the most tremendous noises. It sounds like a jet's ultrasonic boom. We went hiking on the glacxier which was the best part of the trip. Its really beautiful and white and blue on the inside, and full of lagoons and rivers and lakes, and big holes!

I shall post about all opf the above in more detail and with pictures when i am not in need of quite so much sleep as I am now! I have to meet the deputy vice-chancellor of Bath uni tomorrow, cos he is visiting Argentina and thought he would pop in and see us, great! It means that I have to get uop 2 hours earlier! Ok at 12, but still! Anyhow, I shall go to bed now and write more when i get a chance!

Missing you all lots and lots! (Although pool parties make it all better! Hehe!)