Sophie's Blog

Monday, January 16, 2006


I got back home earlier and decided that it was as good a time as any other to begin my one page a day origami calender. The best one was the crown which I will show you in all its glory:

Emma decorated the crown with some lovely stars! And Sheep here is modelling it very nicely wouldn't you agree :-)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Translation of French post

Helen asked me to translate the post so that she could read it. As she asked so nicely, I will comply! I have translated it more or less literally.

It was about time that I wrote a post in French, so here it is. It won’t be a very long one, but will tell you what I have done in the gap between this one and my last.

Obviously we all celebrated the festivities (that doesn’t make sense in English ummm). Christmas went by without too many problems this year. William came over to get his presents, dad came for the day, Nathalie was of course already at home with me and mum. I received some very pretty jewellery, several guide books for Sweden and Argentina (countries that I will be spending time in shortly), some DVD’s and little bits and bobs to fill a stocking.
We ate a lovely turkey which was very nice and a lovely Christmas pudding. That has to be my favourite pudding! It would have been nice to have a ‘buche glacee’ (like an ice cream roll decorated as a log, that you have in France for Christmas) but they don’t sell them in England :-(. It will have to be for another year! (Possibly not next year as I will be in Argentina)

The following day were used to empty more boxes of stuff, I went ice-skating with my sister Nathalie, Sarah and Tom. Sarah was a very effective decoy as he spent much of the time at the rink speaking to her, and trying to hold her hand! My plan was brilliant! Hehe! I ignored him mostly, if he doesn’t get a hint that subtle then he never will! It’s been two years since I met him now and he still doesn’t get it! Silly boy! Other than unpacking and skating, a lot of TV was watched.

New Years Eve we spent in Guildford with some friends and their friends, all very nice people. Everyone has written extensively about it so I won’t bother :-)

I spent 4 days at Claire’s house in the new year. We had said that we would do some revision but we didn’t do that much! But a little is better than nothing no?! I had a lovely time there, we went shopping, played some tennis and played lots of card games.

Manou arrived on the Saturday during the day and I went to collect her from Waterloo with mum. She wasn’t expecting to see me so it was a nice surprise for her . She is sleeping in my room, so I had to move all my stuff out before she got to London, which of course was a lot harder than I had thought.
That evening I went into London to meet up with a friend I met on New Year’s Eve. We went for a very nice walk around central London, with stops for a couple of drinks of course!

And here I am back at university, with exams in a few days. I will really have to start revision as I have hardly done any, but I can’t get started on it. There are too many distractions. We shall see how it goes in time.

But I am going to wish you all good night, and sweet dreams, as i think it is time for bed now! Speak to you soon!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

My aura is blue

Hmmm, I'm not sure about some of it, but blue is a pretty colour
(and if I do quiz things I don't have to revise)

Your Aura is Blue
Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.
You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.
Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor.
What Color Is Your Aura?

99 words

I have been sufficiently bored by revision to write a 99 word story today. Although I'm not sure if it qualifies seeing as there isn't a plot of any sort! Here it is:

The sun flickered through the branches of the tree above her. She surveyed her surroundings and noticed a stream in the horizon. A blink and she had arrived. Passing birds called out greetings; trout, each a different colour of the rainbow, swam round in circles. Chocolate frogs jumped across stepping stones waiting to be kissed. A fluffy cloud of candy floss briefly obscured the sun, sending pink shadows over the mysterious land. She shuddered at the sight of the beautiful yet eerie landscape.
The girl stood up and yawned. She smiled to herself; it was time to go home.

And here is the one I wrote a couple of days ago. This one is even less of a story, but I think I prefer it:

Thoughts, they run through my head like a steam train through a tunnel. Whooshing and wooing all the way. They serve no purpose, they have no destination. I turn to see what is coming, but find I cannot see. The silence is deafening. So I walk in the hope of finding shelter. The train is still on its way, I try but I cannot outwit it. It knows I am there. I shout and scream but no-one hears me. I am alone. I hear someone calling me; I leave my thoughts behind; the smile returns; all is well again.

They are quite similar really aren't they. Funny that.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I keep trying to write a 99 word story, but have failed miserably. I got to 76 words earlier this morning, but couldn't think of anything to say to fill the word count. Ummm. And I went back to read it this evening and it sounds really quite bad and sad! So that one is being thrown away! Maybe inspiration will strike at some point.

I had a nice day today, I didn't have to get up for anything so I was able to lie in till 10 which was nice :-) . I did far too much revision, well I didn't really as I have hardly done any yet and I have an exam on Monday. Argh!
I went trampolining this evening which was fun. I didn't do anything very complex, just some tucked front and back somersaults and a barani or two. It was tiring but fun, and very lovely to see my friends there after a long break.

Tomorrow its the weekend which means I don't need to go up to university. That should save me some time and allow me to do some more revision! That is if I don't spend too much time on msn. Ummmm. Ohh and I have a friend coming over for a roast chicken thing, so revision is going down the drain really isn't it, although we did say we would do some revision. Anyway, I shall see tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Un poste en francais

Il etait haut temps que j'ecrive un post en Francais, donc le voila. Il ne sera pas long, mais vous dira ce que j'ai fait dans l'interlude entre mon dernier et celui ci.

Bien sur on a tous fete les festivites. Noel s'est passe sans trop de problemes cette annee. William est venu chercher ses cadeaux, papa est venu pour la journee, nathalie etait bien sur deja a la maison avec maman et moi. J'ai recu quelques bijoux tres jolis, des livres qui m'aideront a visiter les pays dans lesquels je vais me retrouver dans quelques semaines et dans quelques mois (la suede et l'argentine), des dvd's et des petits trucs pour remplir ma chaussure qui etait devant la cheminee.
Nous avons mange, comme est la coutume dans ce pays, une dinde, qui etait tres bonne, peut-etre un peu seche, et un bon gateau de noel. J'aurai bien aime une buche glacee mais ils n'en vendent pas en angleterre :-(. Ce sera pour une autre annee!

Les jours suivants furent utilises pour vider des cartons ( nous venons de demenager, si vous ne le saviez pas deja) , pour aller a la patinoire(en evitant Tom autant que possible en amenant avec moi Sarah, une ruse tres efficace car il a passe la majorite du temps a lui parle!), et pour regarder beaucoup de tele!

J'ai fete le jour de l'an a Guilford avec des amis, et leurs amis qui etaient tous tres sympas. Nous avons bien sur trop bu et pas beaucoup mange. Ceci est un mauvais melange! L'alchool me monte deja a la tete en circonstances normales, alors sans rien manger, et ben vous pouvez imaginer! Mais j'exagere un peu car j'ai arrete de boire assez top dans la soiree.

Je suis allee passer queques jours chez mon amie Claire dans le nouvel ans avec l''excuse que nous allions reviser. Bien sur nous n'en avons a peine fait! Mais un petit peu c'est mieux que rien apres tout, non? Je me suis bien amuse avec elle, nous avons fait du shopping et nous avons beaucoup joue aux cartes.

Manou est arrive samedi pendant la journee et je suis allee la chercher avec maman. Elle ne s'attendait as a me voir donc ca lui a fait une bonne surprise :-). Elle dort dans ma chambre donc il a fallu que je bouge toutes mes affaires avant qu'elle n'arrive, ce qui fut une tache bien plus difficile que je ne le croyais. Ce soir la je suis sortie avec un ami que j'ai rencontre le soir du jour de l'an. Nous sommes alles dans le centre de Londres faire une jolie promenade avec des arrets pour quelques boissons bien sur!

Et me voici maintenant arrive a la fac, avec des examens dans quelques jours. Il faudra vraiment que je me mette a reviser car je n'en ai a peine fait, mais je ne reussis pas a me motiver en ce moment. Enfin, on verra bien comment ca ira.

Mais je vais vous souhaiter une bonne nuit, et esperer que vous faites de beaux reves, car je pense qu'il est temps de dormir maintenant! A demain!