Sophie's Blog

Saturday, August 28, 2004

hello everyone

Helloooooooo it's me again! Well ok this is normal because it is my blog after all but then you never know, it could be my mad twin sister (ha, you didn't know I had one of them did you! Ok I don't but still....) or an evil scientist plotting to take over the world (I think this quite befits Sarah b!) or umm, there are many other possibilities! However, it is just plain old Sophie!
To tell you the truth I have no idea whatsoever as to the reason why I started this post, I guess I was just slightly bored and decided this was the best way to fill my time.
Ooooooo, tomorrow I am going to the Notting Hill carnival. Having lived in London for the whole of my 18 years of life, I have never been, isn't that quite awful!!!! Oh well, the fault will be rectified now!
But it is late so I will go now. Good night everyone.

Friday, August 27, 2004


Why hello everyone. This of course is where u say hello to me. As I can't hear you, I will assume that you did it in an acceptably loud and jovial tone.
But anyway, I realized today that I hadn't written anything about receiving my A level results last week. So this is what I am going to tell you about! It is the first time actually that I went to collect my results. I was in Spain the 2 previous years, and so missed out on the suspense as the envelope opens and your whole life flashes before your mind, only to find that you did ok after all! Well apart from last year. I didn't do very well then, and my mum rang me in a supermarket in Spain (not the best place to receive your results I must admit!) and this is where I was told! I'm not sure how but I ended up sitting on the beach crying. I couldn't even ring my parents because my credit had run out from them ringing me (stupid phone companies who make you pay when you receive a call when you are abroad!). But I managed to pull myself together, and have now ended up with some half decent results. Well I think so, not every one needs AAAAA Sarah!!!!! Urgh, you are far too clever.
But anyway, I am now set to go to university which is a completely terrifying prospect. I will have to look after myself, which I will do without any problems but it is all very daunting. And I will have to budget, I can't just say 'Mum please can we buy that!' because I will have to work out whether I can afford it or not!!!
I just ran spell check and I was shocked at how many mistakes it came up with! Ok most of them were typing errors, but lots of them were , ok i don't know what this word is in english someone will have to tell me. In french it is anglicisme when you make a mistake because that it how it is in english but don't know what it is called when you make a mistake in english because that is how it is spelt in french. like when i wrote enveloppe instead of envelope. Umm noone will have understood a word that I said, but never mind! That is 7 years at a french school for you.
It is late so i will post this and go to bed I think although equally I may not!
Bonsoir, faites de beaux reves. Je ne pense pas que la majorite d'entre vous vont comprendre ce que j'ecris la, mais enfin ce n'est pas grave. Aurevoir et grosses bises.

Sunday, August 15, 2004


Well here I am, sitting on the sofa in the front room, laptop on my lap, writing this blog. What have I done over the past few days I hear you ask ( I think that I am getting quite good at all the blogger paraphrases!), well to tell you the truth, nothing much.
The Olympics has been the highlight of the past few days. I was very disappointed when I missed the opening ceremony because I was coaching gymnastics. Ohhh what I sacrificed!!! All I saw were the teams walking into the stadium at the end, the most boring part!!!!
However, yesterday I spent most of the day watching the men's gymnastics qualifications. It was very thrilling! Ohh all those muscly men in there unitards!!!! hehe! Well I think perhaps some of them have too much muscle.
Then, yesterday evening, I did some babysitting for my neighbours. They have the cutest little baby called theo, he is only 3 months old. They also have a little girl called lily. It was brilliant, I got payed to watch the synchronized diving! I didn't hear a peep out of either of them. The cats were noisier than the the kids!
And surprise surprise, guess what I did this morning! Well done, I watched more gymnastics. The women's team qualifications. Umm, and team GB weren't doing very well. Beth Tweddle who was supposed to be a contender for the asymmetric bars individual medal didn't score very highly, so... She may not even be in the final. Tis a tragedy!!
I have bored you for far too long already! If you have managed to read through the whole post then I salute you! Well done!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I am now a blogger!

Wooo! well it took me a while but i have finally joined your ranks bloggers! I have started my own! I don't yet know how much I will be writing on this blog, but we shall see!
It certanly isn't easy to post pictures on this thing though. I have been trying for what seems like hours, and i finally succeded!!! However i have not yet worked out how to put a photo on my profile so you shall have to explain it to me.
Well that is all for now because I think that i have spent far too much time setting this thing up, so I shall love you and leave you. And of course I will try to talk to you all soon. Well before the drama of the results comes upon us. Ahhhh!


canoeing in thailand
