Sophie's Blog

Thursday, May 25, 2006


I have just set my status on facebook to avoiding revision, so I might as well do it well...hence a post. It is going to take me just as long to think up something to say as it will to write it out in intelligible sentences afterwards. But never mind, you need not understand me.

The other day, on my way back from Sainsbury's laden down with bags, I had a sudden, how to put it , realisation perhaps is the best word for it. I realised that most people are good and kind. Now why did I choose that particular time and place for this insight you may ask, well something as simple as a helpful word made me think. I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus, reading my book, when I saw the bus in a distance. In a slight panic I fumbled around to get my book back into my bag, as there was no way I would manage my book, my rucksack and the 6 bags of shopping full of the food that had been requested by the house. An elderly lady who was also standing by the bus stop, asked me whether the bus which was coming was the one that I wanted and told me not to worry that she would hail it for me and that she would help me with my bags if I needed help. It was just so kind of her that I didn't quite know what to say.

Its the little things like that in life that make you appreciate people. I don't think she has any idea how touched I felt at her little act of kindness, but I thank her for it all the same, and perhaps all the more, because she had nothing to gain. It all sounds a little silly now, but like I said it is the little kind thoughts in life that make the world of difference to people around us.

I don't think there is much more I can say in this post without lowering its tone, so I shall leave it at that. I hope you don't all think that I am a romantic, idealistic fool now because I don't think that I am.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The passing of days

I have discovered that my memory is appalling when it comes to remembering what I have done over the past week. Try as I might the information is not forthcoming, so I will do my best to patch together my activities of the week.
I have already told you all about receiving the llama, and I wanted to thank you all for your name suggestions. As I have not yet thought of an appropriate name for said llama, I will leave you in suspense a little longer (well those of you who might possibly care, ie. Not many) and you will be notified of my decision shortly. Gosh this all sounds very formal doesn't it, never mind lets continue.
Time seems to have flown by and I have done not nearly as much revision as I should have considering the impending examinations. These are chores that we are put through every term and which really should be abolished. Whoever came up with the idea really should be shot! There is a song in France which school kids sing:

Qui a eu cette idee folle, d'un jour inventer l'ecole?
Qui a eu cette idee folle, d'un jour inventer l'ecole?
C'est ce sacre Charlemagne!
Sacre Charlemagne!
(Who had the crazy idea, of one day inventing school? bis
It was that stupid Charlemagne, Stupid Charlemagne) Thats not quite the proper translation but it will do. I'm not sure how to translate sacre!
Ok so the song is about school rather than exams but still! I have just skipped around the house singing it, and my housemates think I am a little crazy hehe. Well we al knew that already!
Ok well looking back a few days brings me to Thursday, a lovely day, and that of my friend claire's birthday. We went to Cafe Uno and ate far too much very nice food. On the way we bought a cake for Claire and gave it the waiters on the way in without her seeing, which was very clever of us really :-D. I was sat next to ed, one of Claire's housemates, and we had an ice war! It sounds silly now, but I think the two of us kept our side of the table very amused with our antics. The other side was a lot more demure. Ed kept giving me lots of ice in my glass, and no water, and so I gave it back to him, and it all continued from that really... I ended up putting ice down his top too oops! He couldn't slip any down my back as my hair was in the way, what a pity! Mature aren't we. When it came to the cake time, we tried to ask the waiter inconspicuously to bring the cake as he seemed to have forgotten, which of course did not work. he looked very confused and mumbled something about being in the process of bringing ordered puddings out. It was obvious he didn't understand what we were asking! Anyway, it finally clicked and the cake arrived to Claire's delight. After lunch we all trooped back to my house and drank some pimms, or was it sangria? I can't remember. Both are very nice after all.
Friday was my brothers 18th birthday, but as he is in London, and I in Bath, I did not see him. They grow up so quickly do they not? It makes me feel old having an 18 year old brother, and I'm only just 20! Anyway, back to Friday, I had a long chat with will instead of seeing him which was nice, I don't talk to him enough really. And I went to claire's where we played some board games. I don't see the attraction of board games personally. Lots of my friends like stategic ones, but they are just sooo boring! Following the games we had a girly sleepover which is always fun, and we chatted till 2ish about life and such like. The usual, those of you who have had girly sleepovers will know the general topics of conversation covered :-).
Saturday I did some more work, and then made a rhubarb and apple crumble which was very yummy. I do like rhubarb, its been ages since I last ate some. Oooh and I watched Eurovision! Woooo, the others just about put up with it hehe. I'm not sure they see the charm of it. I have good memories of eurovision though. Its one of those family or friends nights where everyone gathers round the tv and makes fun of the acts. Its great! Ohh and did you all see the national lottery get overtaken by fathers for justice that was exciting! It was even on the news after eurovision. Today, I have read lots of my book, which Jenny keeps laughing at me about as it is in French! I painted a plaster cast mask which was fun, a good passtime, which I recommend to you all. I shall be painting the clock which I was given for my birthday soon, once the first exams are over at least. I also made a pasta bake for dinner, which was nice. The best bit is always the cheese on top, but I usually get told off for scraping that bit off. Claire made tiffin which is always lovely. I think that my house is going to start a tiffin appreciation society :-)
Thats all that has happened in Sophie land over the past few days. Nothing very exciting but all pleasant. Hopefully everyone has had nice enjoyable weekends.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Llama in question!


Hello everyone! To update you all, I finished my essay and handed it in on Tuesday morning...Before the lecturer got in. Yea! I will try not to do that again, it was a bit tight for my liking... Umm ohh well never mind, I have to be 'rebellious' at some point, and if that's as bad as it gets well that will have to do won't it!
Anyway, as you have probably worked out already I am little on the happy side this evening/morning thanks to the alcohol. I only had one too, a pint of cider, but on an empty stomach. I'm never hungry after 2 hours of trampolining and a game of rounders. Does anyone else find that they are not hungry after exercise? And I can't eat before it cos then would be ill! Anyway, that is besides the point. back to what I was saying, ummm, I've kind of forgotten where I was going with all of this.
Ahh yes, at some point I was going to tell you about the llama that I received today. It arrived in the post! I must say that when Sarah B told me she was sending me a present for my birthday (only a month late, that's very good for you Sarah! hehe to be fair my original present got eaten by German students... don't ask) But anyway, this llama is yellow and brown, and it doesn't spit because it is made of plastic, but I have been told that they do, and hane tells me that they make funny noises too. Its so cool and unexpected! I need to give him a name, its a he by the way, I decided just now because he looks like a he. Name wise, any suggestions are welcomed. Also, why do people breed llamas? Are they for riding on, or for their fur, or for eating? Also, Hane wants to know the difference between llamas and alpacas. (Jess I think you would be a good person to answer these questions as you are doing zoology, but anyone else is welcome!) Obviously this particular llama is plastic and so not very good for any of the above!
In other news, yesterday I went to salsa, and absolutely loved it. Why I haven't been more often this year is absolutely beyond me, its a great dance! I was amazed at how much I could remember, and was even able to follow the advanced class without too many problems considering how rusty my following skills were... There is a possibility that I will be doing demos on the night of my summer ball for people as they walk in, that would be fun :-)

I should probably go now, and perhaps get some sleep as not much has been had in the past few days what with one thing and the next. So have a great day, and enjoy yourselves. For those with revision, don't do too much!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Although I haven't technically missed the deadline for my essay I am going to give up trying to write it in order to bring it in tonight becuase I am soooo bored of it. Plan B is to get up early tomorrow morning, and stick it in my lecturers pigeon hole before he gets in :D! This obviously involves finishing said essay which i am loath to do. I am singing out loud instead, as the others have gone out to play football in the park. But I will have to get back to it at some point I suppose. I really hate essays! Hehe

Six Things

I have a essay to write for 5pm tonight, so i thought I should write a blog post! hehe. This is just something that would distract me but not take too long to do, thus allowing me to return to my work quickly! Yet another quiz thing I know, its all i seem to do, but never mind!

Six things in your room:
1. A mess- clothes all over the floor
2. A wall hanging from Vietnam
3. A photo of friends
4. A plant - it’s still alive!
5. A large selection of cuddly animals
6. My laptop

Six things you say most:
1. Shush!
2. Rubbish
3. Thank you
4. You’re welcome
5. Hello!
6. Boooo!

Six things you can't live without:
1. Internet- its my connection to the world outside Bath
2. My friends – they mean everything to me
3. Happiness – who can live without this one?
4. Distractions to keep me occupied
5. Excitement
6. Smiley faces

Have you ever:
1. been out of the country? Yes (Vietnam Thailand, USA, Australia, many parts of Europe)
2. Been to a bonfire? yes
3. Broken a bone? A finger, a toe and my nose
4. Had a dream come true? No
5. Had a crush? Of course
6. Run away from home? No

Six things in the last 24 hours:
1. Been confused? Yes
2. Cried? No
3. Felt stupid? Yes
4. Missed someone? Yes
5. Sang? Yes
6. Talked to an ex? Yes

Sunday, May 14, 2006

13th May

Good evening/morning all! I have just come back from what has been a great day full of fun. It started this morning/afternoon, whatever time you will call it, at 12.30, a picnic in the park was organised for jenny's birthday. Say woooo everyone! Everyone brought food with them and we sat on blankets and ate it all. It was very nice, there were flapjacks and cakes and scotch eggs and pies and pizza and sandwiches... The highlight of the picnic was the performance by the Great Nodgo, a magician! (also known as jenny's dad) he was great, well apart from the french jokes, they were rubbish but I wil forgive him for those, for he performed some almighty tricks. He read peoples minds and changed red handkercheifs into yellow ones and vice versa. Most of it was obvious, but it was made hilarious by the fact that there were a couple of young children who were totally taken in by it all, and who couldn't understand how it all worked! A big awwww for them! A bit of salsa was then danced in the park, and the i headed back home to get changed for my next social event of the day: Trampolining handover dinner/ night out! I got home, to find the housemates watching the penalties of the FA football thing. I was made to watch them too, and the highlights of the match afterwards. Ummm... Can't say it was that hrilling but the own goal was funny!
Anyway, I got to the social a little late because of all of this, never mind and we all sat down and ordered food. I had a cobb salad, and lovely it was too, once I had passd the bacon onto someone else (thanks Naomi!) Horrible stuff bacon! Prize giving was then carried out, and i won... *drum roll*... Tramp of the year award! How pleased was I! The bst part of it all was not the certificate but the prize that came with the award: a baton! with swirly ends and stuff. It was great and kept us all amused all evening! As we left the restaurant, we ended up on a grassy roundabout in front of the Abbey and decided to have a nice group photo. This soon ended up as sports acro photos, with people standing on shoulders, and giant pyramids being constructed. it was soooo fun! When the photos get emailed round, I'll put some up!
O'Neills was our next destination, where we partied and swirled (the baton) the night away! As you can probably tell I have had a few too many, and so will leave you all now to get some sleep, as I need to write an essay tomorrow. If this post makes no sense, then i am sorry, I will deal with it at some other time!
Good night everyone!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Random Post about Aries

Having completed the questions about myself, I decided to investigate what being an Aries was supposed to mean, and whether I fitted the average profile or not. (I also haven’t blogged properly in ages and thought this was a good chance to do so!) Also I met my dad’s new neighbour a few days after my birthday so she worked out that I was Aries, and nodded in a way that suggested I fitted the profile. I think she said something along the line of Aries being quiet, responsible people. Ummm…
Obviously the profile of an average Aries is going to be quite broad, but I will see what conclusions I come up with anyway!

First some general information:
Aries is the zodiac sign for those born between the 21st of March (spring equinox) and the 19th of April. Being born on the 5th April, there is no doubt that I fit this requirement!
The emblem of Aries is the Ram, a determined fighter and a powerful adversary. The young ram is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy.

Well I could be a powerful adversary I suppose. I’d never really thought about it!

Aries, The Ram, is the first of the twelve zodiacal constellations, and in Greek myth represents the animal whose fleece was sought by Jason and the Argonauts. Legend has it that when King Athamus of Boetia took a second wife, Ino, she was jealous of his existing children, especially his son, Phrixus. She therefore arranged for the crops to fail and persuaded the king to have his son sacrificed to the gods. Despite pleadings from the boy’s mother, King Athamus agreed to the sacrifice but, at the last minute, the boy and his sister, Helle, were saved by a magnificent ram with a golden fleece, sent by Zeus in answer to their mother’s prayers. Unfortunately, as the ram crossed the narrow stretch of water between Europe and Asia, Helle fell to her death but Phrixus was carried safely to land.

Aries in Love
Fire flies higher with Air signs.
Fire is secure with Earth signs.
Fire loses spark with Water signs.
Fire dances with Fire.

The gritty stuff
‘Ariens are always overflowing with ideas, schemes and plans to conquer the world, for a well-aspected sun in Aries radiates power and vitality. Many a moth has been burned in its flame!’
Humm, not sure about this one. I don’t recall ever having any thoughts of world domination. Maybe they are still to come! Although I haven’t seen any moths around recently… maybe I am taking over the world subconsciously. Now that is something to think about!

‘Mars, planet of high energy, aggression and assertion, arguments, fighting, and sex is the ruler of Aries. Mars is the doer, the warrior; he has youthful, physically active, and sometimes combative energy. Aries natives need some kind of physical activity as an outlet for this high energy. They tend to be good at sports and enjoy physical activities like dancing, hiking, or peace marches.’ I think this means that I am quite aggressive, and argumentative, which I would tend to disagree with. On the other hand I do do a lot of sports and it has been said that on the days I don’t do any I get a little hyper…So that would be the high energy then!

Arians are great organisers and leaders, full of flair and originality and can organise fantastic and impressive ventures. Unfortunately, despite your desire to be the front-runner in all that is done, sometimes your fire element means that you lack discipline and the capacity for prolonged effort and can just wander off, or sit back and allow the lesser folk to have their way.
Not sure about the wanting to be the front runner in EVERYTHING that I do! But I do get bored really easily and wander off to do other things.

In your personal relationships Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. Please do tell me if I ever disregard your sensitivity. :-S . I can be a little blunt at times, but I think that is more of a french thing than an Aries one! But i like the thought that I am an enthusiastic friend, Claire told me the other day that I was perfect, which is a little far fetched, but it agrees with the generosity and stuff. Modest aren't I!


Headstrong, Courageous

Impulsive, adventurousOblivious to surroundings
First, self-motivating, initiating Impatient
Honest, straightforward Opinionated
Active, childlike, energetic
Idealistic, defenderAngry
Fun, popularLoud

This shows characteristics of an aries person. I will leave you to decide which I portray. I can't decide!

(I can't remember how to put lines between cells on html tables. Ooops! Never mind, this will have to do for now until I sort it out!)

I'm bored of this now, so I am going to leave you with the conclusion that I seem to fit quite a few of the characteristics of an Aries, although that isn't that surprising given the broad spectrum of characteristics they have included!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

And the band wagon continues on its merry way...

Well everyone else has done it, so I thought that I should follow the trend…, a little late I know, but better late than never!

Ok here goes:

Champagne at our JAGS leavers ball

Y-Stand on the beach in Hastings

Name: Sophie Annabelle Charlotte Bloomfield
Age: 20
Height: 1m71, I have no idea what that is in imperial units
Weight: Too much!
Hair colour: It is strawberry blonde I have decided, though my sister continues to insist that I am a red head… you decide!
Hair Style: I had it cut shorter recently, so it is a shoulder length bob
Eye Colour: Hazel
Blood type: I’m afraid I don’t know
Status: Single
Build: umm medium to broad
Siblings: A little brother and sister, well I say little 18 and 16 respectively
Pets: Millie
Pro-life or pro-choice: Pro choice
Right or left: I am right handed, and step onto my left foot for handstands and cartwheels. Though I can do both off the right foot as well!
Favourite food: My mums cooking, it’s amazing what you miss when you are away from home!
Favourite beverage: Water, nice and refreshing.
Chosen degree subject: International Management and modern languages (spanish) quite a mouthful I know, which is why it is known as IMML, or SPIMML.
Chosen Unis: Bath, and San Andres in Buenos Aires for next year
Personality: I would say I was friendly and approachable.
What I like about girls: They are nice and sweet and understand that wearing skirts is nicer than trousers. And they smile when you (well when I) twirl lots in said skirt and don’t laugh at me too much for doing so. Girls are also easy to talk too, and share ideas with and are generally lovely and supportive.
What I like about boys: They are friendly and talkative, and don't mind being dragged from the lake to go to a gymnastics conditioning session!
Music tastes: I like nice songs that you can sing along to when no one is listening
Film tastes: Chic flicks basically. I get easily scared by films. To give you an example, I went to see hostage last year with my housemates and jack kept looking t me in concern when I jumped every 5 minutes and asking me if I was ok. Not long afterwards watched I-spy and spent most of the time with my head buried in the sofa and a pillow over my head.
TV shows: Whatever happens to be on, in this house that tends to be friends
Hobbies: Trampolining, bounce bounce! And gymnastics, and work avoidance. I am very good at this, through the use of msn and facebook and other such delights. Oooh and I like reading, but I keep running out of books because I read them too quickly.
Nationality: British / French
Heritage: Well on one side I am french, though I come from the part of the country which was french then German then french then german then french etc. And on the other side I am English, though my dads ancestors came to england from france with Guillaume le conquérant. And apparently have a great grandparent who was Spanish too.
Favourite colour: Turquoise is pretty
Favourite metal: silver, its shiny
Favourite non-metal: Water (H2O) its transparent and liquid and freezes into ice and is a cool colour, and forms lakes and rivers and oceans and rain and is nice to drink!
Dislikes: Crisps
Pet type: Millie: Jack Russel Terrier, Zafara: Burmese cat (but we left her in our old house :-()
Pet age: Millie is 18 months old
Parents still married?: Technically but separated
Intelligence: Intelligent enough to get by
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight.
Homophobe?: Nope
Anything else-phobe: Maybe scaryfilmsophobe
Been on a boat?: Yes
A plane: Yes
A hovercraft: No
Town of residence: Bath and Tooting, London
Any crushes?: No one of interest around, and don’t have time!
Best mate?: Sarah is great! And I am going to Venice with her in June yippee. Claire and Emma are also lovely.
Am I mad? Little me? Not possible :-P
Lonely?: At times, even when surrounded by lots of people
Feeling towards exams?: I don’t like them and they don’t like me. The feeling is mutual
Do I like you? I hope so
Distinguishing features: I tend to smile lots
Any skills?: I can do handstands and somersaults, oh and speak French but that one is boring
What would you do if in command of all?: Try and make the world happy
Thoughts of future: To survive a year in argentina
What's that?: a country in latin america, far far away
Cock size: I am a girl!
Favourite sport: What a silly question! Trampolining and gymnastics of course, I know this is 2 sports but they are ruled by the same governing body so I reckon I should get away with it!
Favourite real animal: Ferrets, I walked one once and decided i would own one when older
Favourite mythical creature: Pegasus
Date of birth: 05/04/1986
Star sign: Aires
Chinese new year: I’m a tiger, Grrrrr! Apparently this means that I am sybolised by the element of: Fire - Dynamism, passion, energy, aggression, leadership
Happy?: Most of the time
EMO!: I don’t know what this means, please explain, Wikipedia isn’t any clearer
Then what are you?: I’m Sophie, and I am a who not a what
Errr...: So there!
Religious: I’m not, despite the best efforts of Claire my university friend who has been trying to convert me to Christianity, bless her!